CONSORZIO COLTELLINAI MANIAGO has been present on the market worldwide for more than forty years with products that are synonymous of handcrafted quality and innovation: from the sports knife to the corkscrew, from the agricultural tools, from professional to kitchen cutlery.
Now CONSORZIO COLTELLINAI MANIAGO S.r.l. is a group of 46 small Cutlery Companies all located in Maniago Knife District .
That means that we can offer you all sorts of items from all 46 different productions (from the sports knife to the corkscrews, from the agricultural tools, from professional to kitchen cutlery, to military knives) having only one company as reference: our Company, CONSORZIO COLTELLINAI MANIAGO.
Our Company, is the official and exclusive manufacturer and sales representative for Europe, Russia and Japan of a complete Licensed Brand of Hunting and Military Knives for REMINGTON RA, the American guns Company authorized by the Trademark License Agreement.
To get a more specific idea of our Company please visit our official website: -
As a reference: CONSORZIO COLTELLINAI MANIAGO S.r.l. is collaborating together with some of the most important distributors in USA, Europe, South Africa and Japan as A.M. Leonard, Ergex Farm, Felco, Gartenbedarf, Boker, Remington Arms Co.,Global , etc..
The CCM combines the products of Maniago Area with its qualified commercial support, starting from 1960.
All of the items are produced and manufactured in our Knife District and most of them are also guaranteed by the Maniago Quality Certificate (QM)
Maniago area is recognized as the most attractive concerning blade production in ITALY. Here there are more than 150 production companies co-operating from the raw materials purchasing operations to the product innovation activities.
For International sales these companies created a common association named Consorzio Coltellinai Maniago (Association of production companies).
Now CONSORZIO COLTELLINAI MANIAGO S.r.l. is a group of 46 small Cutlery Companies all located in Maniago Knife District .
That means that we can offer you all sorts of items from all 46 different productions (from the sports knife to the corkscrews, from the agricultural tools, from professional to kitchen cutlery, to military knives) having only one company as reference: our Company, CONSORZIO COLTELLINAI MANIAGO.
Our Company, is the official and exclusive manufacturer and sales representative for Europe, Russia and Japan of a complete Licensed Brand of Hunting and Military Knives for REMINGTON RA, the American guns Company authorized by the Trademark License Agreement.
To get a more specific idea of our Company please visit our official website: -
As a reference: CONSORZIO COLTELLINAI MANIAGO S.r.l. is collaborating together with some of the most important distributors in USA, Europe, South Africa and Japan as A.M. Leonard, Ergex Farm, Felco, Gartenbedarf, Boker, Remington Arms Co.,Global , etc..
The CCM combines the products of Maniago Area with its qualified commercial support, starting from 1960.
All of the items are produced and manufactured in our Knife District and most of them are also guaranteed by the Maniago Quality Certificate (QM)
Maniago area is recognized as the most attractive concerning blade production in ITALY. Here there are more than 150 production companies co-operating from the raw materials purchasing operations to the product innovation activities.
For International sales these companies created a common association named Consorzio Coltellinai Maniago (Association of production companies).
45 products
45 products